Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Singapore Here We Come!!!

Clark and I just found out that our Employment Passes just went through (so we can work in Singapore)!!! We have been waiting for three weeks to see if they were going to let us work in the country! Thank goodness because we have already rented our house out! Well here is the plan peoples... Clark and I are officially flying to Singapore on May 7th, that is a Wednesday. Our flight leaves out of Atlanta (my hometown). We did this so that we could see my family! We are actually leaving on May 2nd- the 4th to go to Clark's brothers wedding in Salt Lake and will be there until Sunday. This turns out great because we will be able to see his family before we leave. We will leave Monday May 5th for Atlanta!!! I am so happy to see that our plans have come through once again! The last time anyone in Tampa will see us will be this Thursday night :(
Well they will see us again when we get back in a year! So don't get all SAD on me here!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Christy's Baby Shower

Today was Christy's baby shower and it was so much fun! Christy is having a girl and her name will be Kelsey. She is due around June 3rd. I won't be able to see the baby because I will be gone :( We played some cute games and had some great food made by Leslie! It was a great shower because I was able to see all the people I used to work with at Qore. Here are some of the games we played...

-Take some toilet paper and guess the moms tummy size.

-Take different types of candy bars and melt them and but them in diapers (its supposed to look like poo!) and guess which candy bar it is.---I won that one!

-Picking out the most safety pins in rice while blind folded...It was super hard and I only got ONE!!

-Stealing others clothes pins they have on their shirt if they said the word baby( This was played throughout the shower)....haha this was a pretty entertaining game!


I realized when I was picking out baby clothes for the shower that I am going to have some pretty spoiled kids!!! There were so many cute clothes for some great prices!!! I can't wait until I can be a mom!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


So today I had my first official play group!!! Haha okay I don't have any kids but my friend Brittany knew I was stuck at home and invited me to the pool with the other moms and kids! It was really fun and the weather was amazing! Here are some pictures of Brittany's kids Caleb and Brooke!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Home Alone : (

Man have I really gotten to know myself pretty darn good these past few weeks! While Clark is at work in Tampa I sit at home...trying to keep myself entertained! Clark and I are moving to Singapore in May and have recently rented out our house and have sold one of our cars. I quit my job at Qore so that I could go to Paris with Clark for three weeks. We leave for Singapore so soon that there is no point for me to get another job for just three weeks. We only have one car and Clark takes it to work which leaves me at home (my neighbors house) all day! So, if anyone has any ideas whatsoever of what I could do to occupy my time cooped up in a house just let me know! If you want to hang out or go somewhere let me know! You would have to pick me up though! Yes I know I sound desperate but desperate times call for desperate measures people!! I recently watched the t.v show Oprah's Big Give and it kind of motivated me to go out and do some charity work for people! You don't need money to change someones life, just motivation and love! I loved the show and especially the finale. I hope more people can be like that!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


-Magic Kingdom- -Rod Stewart-
The whole Gray gang got together this weekend for the McDonald's Worldwide Convention. We stayed in Orlando for a few days and was able to attend the convention, a Rod Stewart's concert that McDonald's put on, and Magic Kingdom! McDonald's rented out the Islands Adventure Wednesday night so that was fun also! We hung out at the pool, went out to eat, shopped at the outlet malls (all the girls bought Coach purses that were way cute), and went to the theme parks! We stayed at the Rosen Hotel next to the convention center which was very cool! The weather was sunny and 85 the whole time! You couldn't have asked for better weather!
-Gray Family-

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Home Again

Clark and I arrived back in Florida today! Finally! Paris was such a great trip and a great experience but we both have to admit that we would rather live in America! We are both exhausted and are about to head to bed. What is funny is that we are staying at our neighbors home instead of ours because we rented ours out when we found out we were moving to Singapore! It was kinda sad going back to Florida and then realizing that we weren't going back to our house!!! The other thing that stunk today was Delta forgot my bag along with 15 other people on my flight! Thank goodness we stopped in Atlanta first (this is where my bag was for about 8 hours) until it caught the next flight to Tampa. I think that whole customs thing was out of hand a little! So now they are delivering my bag to my neighbors house at 2am in the morning and leaving it on the door step! Man what a day! Clark and I will be heading to Orlando on Wednesday to hang out with the WHOLE Gray family at the McDonald's Worldwide Convention until Sunday! (Clark's dad works in the Corporate McDonald's headquarters in Chicago) It is held every two years and this is my second time going! This trip is always fun because its just another sunny vacation! Well its late and I'm falling asleep!! Goodnight! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..................

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Our Trip to the TOP!

Clark and I had an exciting day walking to the Eiffel Tower and then being able to go to the top! What a great experience visiting one of the worlds most famous spots!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Tid-bit about The Grays

1. What are your names? Clark and Jennifer
2. How long have you been married? a year and 8 months
3. How long did you date? we dated for 6 months and then engaged for 4 months
4. How old are you? I'm 21 and Clark is 26
5. Who eats more? Probably Clark
6. Who said I love you first? I think I did
7. Who is smarter? Clark has more life experiences and is smarter in that aspect but I think I am more book smart!
8. Whose temper is worse? We probably tie on that one
9. Who does the laundry? I do it 95% of the time
10. Who does the dishes? me...Clark helps every once in awhile
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Clark
12. Who pays the bills? Clark...I pay the water bill though!!!!
13. Who cooks dinner? Me. Clark will cook on Sundays.
14. Who drives when you are together? Clark
15. Who is more stubborn? Haha I will have to say Clark on this one!
16. Whose parents do you see the most? We see each others parents pretty much the same
17. Who proposed? Clark did. He flew down to Atlanta and surprised me at the restaurant I was supposed to be having my birthday dinner at with my dad....yeah my dad ended up being Clark.
18. Who has more friends? Probably Clark because he is older!
19. Who has more siblings? Clark. He has 3 and I have 1.
20. Who wears the pants in the family? We both do!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bonjour Paris

Clark and I have the chance to visit Paris for three weeks as Clark trains for his new position in Singapore. He is learning new material in the RMS Paris office while I walk around the city! What fun! We have been here for two weeks already and have seen so many sites and have learned so many new things about Paris! We hope that you enjoy some of our pictures! The sites we have seen are Notre Dame, Park Monceau, Pantheon, The Opera, The Bascilica, The Eiffel Tower, The Louve, The Arc de Triomphe, Pompidou Center, Madeleine, Moulin Rouge and many more! Enjoy!