Friday, January 22, 2010

Heading out to Singapore

On Sunday I head back to Singapore for 2 weeks! As some of you know, I brought my job back from Singapore as a Marketing Consultant for an investment firm. I get the luxury of working from home. I get to travel back at least once a year to see everyone and get on the same page. I'm really excited to see all the people I work with and also see the friends we left behind. Clark will not be going with me this time so I am kinda nervous traveling the whole 23 hours by myself! I look forward to eating all the YUMMY food Singapore has to offer and visiting all our friends but I am NOT looking forward to the HOT HUMID weather. Looks like I will have to bring my short heeled shoes cause I'll be walking...EVERYWHERE. This should be fun!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Avatar Adventure

Last night we headed to the Imax theatre to watch Avatar in 3D. We went with our good friends Chris and Danielle. To make our night a little adventurous, Chris said "No guys, this is the way to the Imax. The movie is in this room."
I had said that the man told us room 8 but Mr. Chris had total control of the situation ;) So we are sitting in the movie, which started its previews 20 mins early and we are thinking okay well at least the movie will start right on time...
We sit through the previews and all of a sudden one is taking a little longer than usual, and we couldn't really tell if the movie was in what does Chris do "Um guys, I think we are in the wrong room. This isn't the right movie. We gotta leave."
So we head outof the movie the Book of Eli with our glasses on our head into the RIGHT movie in room 8.

We really enjoyed the movie and def. recommend watching it in 3D at the Imax. Enjoy the pic!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Phil's Retirement Party

Over the weekend, all the Gray family flew into Chicago for Phil's retirement party. Phil has worked for McDonald's for over 35 years and started his way up as a burger flipper. He is truly amazing and a great role model. There were speeches given about Phil and they all mentioned that family, faith, and work were his top priorities. It was such a great experience for all of us to be together and to celebrate Phil's hard work and dedication.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Our not so vacation

This year for Christmas we stayed home and opened gifts together. Clark has never had a Christmas on the actual 25th (you can ask him about this later). He said it was actually Lame...yes I know, how mean! He did make us a tasty breakfast after we opened our presents to one another.

A few days after Christmas, we headed down to Boca Raton to help Clark's dad with the 6 McDonald stores he purchased just a few weeks ago. We literally worked at the restaurants, counted inventory, and switched over certain licenses. For New Years we each were all huddled in one of the 6 McDonald's counting inventory...hehe not too much fun but I guess its what had to be done before Jan. 1st! We watched the ball drop in NY on one of the TVs in the McDonald's and then headed home to yet come back the next few mornings to work. I don't mean to sound like we didn't have a great time because we actually did enjoy ourselves even if it wasn't that much of a vacation. We did get to meet our new niece Layla! She is adorable and sweet even though she did pee all over my pants.

I expect that Clark will be going down every other weekend to help out his dad and brother until we eventually move on down there!

I didn't take ANY pictures this time! How lame am I?

I hope that everyone had a great holiday and New Years! We look forward to what 2010 will bring!