Wednesday, November 24, 2010

15.5 Weeks

We're getting up there! I have almost hit my half way point! Lets hope I make it to 37+ weeks! I feel great and I have for the last few weeks. I still don;t have any cravings but I do LOVE eating fruit. I can still only eat half of my meals but eat again 2 hrs later. I don't think I have felt the babies move yet but who knows...hopefully in the next few weeks I will be able to. Clark and I go in next Thursday to our perinatologist(specializes in multiples and high risk pregnancies). We hope to be able to find out the genders of both babies that day! We have names we like but we haven't really discussed names much as we would rather wait and find out and then discuss. Feels kinda pointless to us. I am not quite sure how I want to find out the I want the tech to put it in an envelope and then we wait to open it with everyone, do we find out right then? I want to do something creative but I feel like I have no brain power some days. I do find myself forgetting the easiest words known to man. Oh brother. I am sure this won't go away anytime soon.  I can still fit in my regular clothes which is great! Looks like I will need a some type of bella band to hold up my pants soon...any suggestions? We look forward to meeting our little babies!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Harris' come to visit!

This past weekend, the Harris' came to visit us! This time they brought their new baby girl Lila! Last time they were here, Danielle was on bed rest with still a few more months to go. I was so excited to see them and hold baby Lila. Chris had to teach for a few hours on Saturday so Danielle, Lila and I went and did a little shopping at some local shops. Later that day we attended my niece's first birthday and then finished the night off with dinner at Pizza Time! Yum! We can't wait until they come and visit again!

Can't you tell the boys like to make fun of us!

Layla's First Birthday

Last week we celebrated my niece Layla's 1st birthday! I can not believe she is already one! Her mom and dad and aunt Kristin did a great job with her invitations, decorations and food at the party. Layla received tons of cute gifts and her Grandma out in Utah was able to join us via Skype! Melanie made Layla the dress she is wearing just for her birthday and she did such a great job! We love you Layla!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Clark's 29th Birthday

Last week we celebrated Clark's 29th birthday! We enjoyed lots of food and some really good oreo ice cream cake!

Us at Duffy's enjoying some lunch and cupcakes.

Eating dinner at Chili's a few nights before.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Double the Pleasure!

Today is Clark's 29th birthday! I am so happy for him to get his birthday present...I hope he likes it! I just love love love Clark and he has made me so happy over these last 4 years! He is sweet, funny, caring, practical, smart, goofy, loving, hot, and spiritual. Yes, I could go on forever but I will spare you guys! He is such a blessing to me and I am so glad he is mine! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE!

Also, this morning we had a doctor's appointment where we got to see the twins! I love going to the doctors and seeing our growing babies. I am 13.5 weeks and almost through my FIRST trimester! I feel so blessed to have made it this far. Today the twins were floating around and had their hands by their faces. I swear one was sucking his thumb but I couldn't tell. We were only able to get a really good picture of the baby on the left so hopefully next time (Dec. 2nd) we'll get some better pics of both of them. I am looking forward to Dec. 2 because we should be able to find out the gender of the twins. Again I hope for a boy and girl but I think we are getting 2 girls! I don't have this whole mother intuition thing going on so these are just guesses! We'll be happy with whatever we get :)


Thursday, November 4, 2010

12.5 weeks- Gray Babies

Today I am 12.5 weeks pregnant and my belly has grown just a little bit more! It makes me so happy because it means they are growing! I am still eating just about the same...small servings...but I tend to eat every two hours so I know the babies are getting some nutrients! Its quite funny but my husband just laughs at me because on my night stand I have what he calls a "convenient store!" I wake up just about every night and go to the bathroom and then my stomach says...oh wait before you go back to bed you need to eat something! It stinks because then I can't get back to sleep for about an hour. I remember the first night I ate in was around 2am and I was starving and not feeling good so I was hoping I had something in my purse upstairs. I remembered I had pretzels so I started munching on them quite softly and Clark turned to me and said "are you EATING?" Hahahahaha we both just laughed because it was quite hilarious. Since then, he has gotten used to it.

Does anyone have any suggestions to fight hunger through the night? I guess I could eat a little more right before I go to bed. I probably should stop drinking water right before bed...that would help. Overall I am feeling good and am patiently waiting until next week when we have our 13.5 week appointment! Also, I just noticed, if you click on the numbers on my baby ticker, it will change and show you how many days I have left, how many weeks I am, and how many days it has been! Pretty cool!

Monday, November 1, 2010

11 weeks- Gray Babies

Last week I hit the 11 week mark. I totally picked the wrong shirt to wear for a prego picture but I will try and do better next time! Also, we were in the midst of packing Clark's parents home in Chicago last week and this is about the only day I got dressed up! I have felt quite good so far and I think (hope) that my nauseousness won't come back. I just need to make sure I eat so my tummy stays some what full. I really try and eat but I can only eat half my meals because I get so full quickly. I lost 4 pounds last month but that was due to not being able to eat! I gained 1 of those pounds back! I swear I have a little belly bump/pudge and its been a little more present this week at my 12 week mark. Our next appointment is on the 10th on Clark's birthday and hopefully we will be able to hear their heartbeats! My due date was May 19th but then it was moved to May 14th. Most likely I will deliver end of April. Hopefully later than sooner!

When we got back from Chicago we had a package from our friends Kate and Lehi in Singapore! Look how cute this twin gift is! They know us so well! THANK YOU!!

(For those of you who didn't know, we are in the McDonalds business)

Clark's 10 yr HS Reunion

This past week we headed to Chicago for Clark's 10 yr HS reunion. Out of 700 students, 200 went. I only knew one person there but Clark seemed to enjoy his time so I just smiled. Looks like he'll have fun at mine in 5 years! This is the only picture we took that night. We had the reunion at Heritage Farms...I think.