Tuesday, December 28, 2010

20 weeks

I am around 20 weeks now! Yay! We are half way there and I am really happy with the way things are going right now. My stomach is growing bigger by the day and sometimes I feel like it can't stretch any further! My back has been hurting as I sleep so I went out and purchased a Leach Snoogle Body Pillow tonight. The reviews on it are amazing so I hope my results are just as good. Other than my back hurting every night, I am doing pretty well. I am eating normally now as I was before I got pregnant so bring on the weight... ;)

Today we had our 20 week appointment at our perinatologist and I was really anxious to see our little babies. They are both doing great and growing on schedule. Every finger and toe are still there and their hearts looks healthy. The boy weighs 11 ounces and the girl weighs 10 ounces. Those little twiners were head butting the whole time and were turned down. We did get some great pictures today! My tech was nice enough to show us what the 3D looks like and she gave us some pictures to take home!

Baby Girl is the top picture. She was face down just about the whole time so this was the best profile picture we could get of her. Clark says her nose is a hybrid of mine and his. She is even smiling at us! What a little cutie!

Baby Boy is the bottom picture and he definitely has my nose! We think he might have Clark's lips. Baby boy was facing up the whole time so we were able to get more pictures of him this week.

This is a picture of our girl's bum, legs, and feet. Clark says she has his cute bum...oh geez haha.

I believe I have been feeling them move just a little. Most likely in the next few weeks the movements will be more noticeable. We see our OBGYN next week so I am excited to see our babies on the screen again! Seeing the babies in 3D really did make my heart melt and made me fall more in love with them. I can't wait to meet them!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

 I had such a great time on Christmas day spending time with the Gray family! All 9 of us opened presents and relaxed all day! We had a great ham and turkey dinner that night as well. 

Clark received clothes and golfing gear and I got some clothes and a cool alarm clock I have been wanting. I am still waiting for Clark's present... ;)

I hope your Christmas was wonderful too!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2010 Christmas Card

We finally created our Christmas card and we hope you enjoy reading the adventures we had this year! We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Click the image to read!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fabric Pom Pom Flower Headband

I am so proud of myself! I saw this tutorial online HERE and it showed me how to a make a fabric flower headband and it is super cute! I am going to make tons (okay maybe not tons because it can be time consuming) for our little baby girl! I was saving this for a craft night with some girlfriends but I had to make one just to make sure I was talented enough to do it first! I look forward to making more and also making a flower bib necklace found HERE!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Gender Unveiling Pictures!

My cute and VERY talented friend Rachel took some pictures for us the night we had our gender unveiling! I wanted to post some for those who wanted to see more!

About to open up the build-a-bear boxes!

I was so nervous!

Yay!!! We're having a Girl!

Clark's turn!

Score!!! It's a BOY!

One of the soon to be three sets of twins at our church! Will and Lizzie are adorable! I wasn't quite ready for this picture!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Thanksgiving in Georgia

For Thanksgiving this year Clark and I went to Georgia! I always love visiting home and seeing all my relatives! The food and company was great! We had it at my parent's home this year since my grandma has been sick and we didn't want her to feel like she had to slave in the kitchen all day! My cousin Lydia was so nice and took some family pictures for us! The last real family picture we had was at our wedding. We have all changed a little since then but we still love each other which is whats important!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Twin Gender Unveiling

I have been waiting for this day forever! On Thursday Clark and I had our first appointment with our perinatologist who specializes in multiples and high risk pregnancies. I was around 16.5 weeks and they were going to do a pretty extensive ultrasound and take measurements of the twins and make sure everything was looking normal. Well the appointment took around 2 hours (1 hour for each twin) and I enjoyed EVERY minute of it! I think I need to buy my own ultrasound machine! The twins were waving and head butting one another. When it came time for the tech to check the genders, we turned our heads because we didn't want to know at that moment. We wanted to wait until Friday night when our friends and family were there with us to unveil the genders! So after our appointment we had to wait 24 hours until we could know the genders! The results were in an envelope that was sealed. Later that night Vicki (my very sweet mother-in-law) and I went to build-a bear to create some teddy bears! We picked out the boy and girl outfits we wanted to use depending on the results. We handed the associate the envelope and said to dress and package the bears and to NOT let us see! They were so giddy and so excited that they were part of it. So the bags of bears were sitting in our room and man was it some what tempting to peek!!!

Friday night we had some friends come over for a bear-b-que (Clark's name idea) so we could eat and unveil the bears! Here is what happened:

We were both thrilled that we got one of each! I really wanted at least one girl! Clark and I both had thought they were a boy and a girl and I guess we were right! Now we can start talking names and pick out some outfits!

Well here I am at 17 weeks! I am getting bigger despite what people think! I am so excited to see a baby belly forming! My appetite is better than a few weeks ago. I can eat about a whole meal now! I need to start exercising moderately for the next few weeks before it gets too uncomfortable. I can now make it through some nights without eating and going to the bathroom! SWEET! This only happens occasionally unfortunately. My mood is great (despite what Clark may say!!) and I feel more connected to our little twins now that I know the genders! I bought a few maternity jeans and shirts for a great deal so I look forward to wearing them! Okay maybe not the jeans, even though they are pretty cute!

Below is the ultrasound pictures! Baby A is the boy and Baby B is the girl! Their little parts are showing too, just in case you do or don't want to see!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

15.5 Weeks

We're getting up there! I have almost hit my half way point! Lets hope I make it to 37+ weeks! I feel great and I have for the last few weeks. I still don;t have any cravings but I do LOVE eating fruit. I can still only eat half of my meals but eat again 2 hrs later. I don't think I have felt the babies move yet but who knows...hopefully in the next few weeks I will be able to. Clark and I go in next Thursday to our perinatologist(specializes in multiples and high risk pregnancies). We hope to be able to find out the genders of both babies that day! We have names we like but we haven't really discussed names much as we would rather wait and find out and then discuss. Feels kinda pointless to us. I am not quite sure how I want to find out the genders...do I want the tech to put it in an envelope and then we wait to open it with everyone, do we find out right then? I want to do something creative but I feel like I have no brain power some days. I do find myself forgetting the easiest words known to man. Oh brother. I am sure this won't go away anytime soon.  I can still fit in my regular clothes which is great! Looks like I will need a some type of bella band to hold up my pants soon...any suggestions? We look forward to meeting our little babies!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Harris' come to visit!

This past weekend, the Harris' came to visit us! This time they brought their new baby girl Lila! Last time they were here, Danielle was on bed rest with still a few more months to go. I was so excited to see them and hold baby Lila. Chris had to teach for a few hours on Saturday so Danielle, Lila and I went and did a little shopping at some local shops. Later that day we attended my niece's first birthday and then finished the night off with dinner at Pizza Time! Yum! We can't wait until they come and visit again!

Can't you tell the boys like to make fun of us!

Layla's First Birthday

Last week we celebrated my niece Layla's 1st birthday! I can not believe she is already one! Her mom and dad and aunt Kristin did a great job with her invitations, decorations and food at the party. Layla received tons of cute gifts and her Grandma out in Utah was able to join us via Skype! Melanie made Layla the dress she is wearing just for her birthday and she did such a great job! We love you Layla!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Clark's 29th Birthday

Last week we celebrated Clark's 29th birthday! We enjoyed lots of food and some really good oreo ice cream cake!

Us at Duffy's enjoying some lunch and cupcakes.

Eating dinner at Chili's a few nights before.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Double the Pleasure!

Today is Clark's 29th birthday! I am so happy for him to get his birthday present...I hope he likes it! I just love love love Clark and he has made me so happy over these last 4 years! He is sweet, funny, caring, practical, smart, goofy, loving, hot, and spiritual. Yes, I could go on forever but I will spare you guys! He is such a blessing to me and I am so glad he is mine! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE!

Also, this morning we had a doctor's appointment where we got to see the twins! I love going to the doctors and seeing our growing babies. I am 13.5 weeks and almost through my FIRST trimester! I feel so blessed to have made it this far. Today the twins were floating around and had their hands by their faces. I swear one was sucking his thumb but I couldn't tell. We were only able to get a really good picture of the baby on the left so hopefully next time (Dec. 2nd) we'll get some better pics of both of them. I am looking forward to Dec. 2 because we should be able to find out the gender of the twins. Again I hope for a boy and girl but I think we are getting 2 girls! I don't have this whole mother intuition thing going on so these are just guesses! We'll be happy with whatever we get :)


Thursday, November 4, 2010

12.5 weeks- Gray Babies

Today I am 12.5 weeks pregnant and my belly has grown just a little bit more! It makes me so happy because it means they are growing! I am still eating just about the same...small servings...but I tend to eat every two hours so I know the babies are getting some nutrients! Its quite funny but my husband just laughs at me because on my night stand I have what he calls a "convenient store!" I wake up just about every night and go to the bathroom and then my stomach says...oh wait before you go back to bed you need to eat something! It stinks because then I can't get back to sleep for about an hour. I remember the first night I ate in bed...it was around 2am and I was starving and not feeling good so I was hoping I had something in my purse upstairs. I remembered I had pretzels so I started munching on them quite softly and Clark turned to me and said "are you EATING?" Hahahahaha we both just laughed because it was quite hilarious. Since then, he has gotten used to it.

Does anyone have any suggestions to fight hunger through the night? I guess I could eat a little more right before I go to bed. I probably should stop drinking water right before bed...that would help. Overall I am feeling good and am patiently waiting until next week when we have our 13.5 week appointment! Also, I just noticed, if you click on the numbers on my baby ticker, it will change and show you how many days I have left, how many weeks I am, and how many days it has been! Pretty cool!

Monday, November 1, 2010

11 weeks- Gray Babies

Last week I hit the 11 week mark. I totally picked the wrong shirt to wear for a prego picture but I will try and do better next time! Also, we were in the midst of packing Clark's parents home in Chicago last week and this is about the only day I got dressed up! I have felt quite good so far and I think (hope) that my nauseousness won't come back. I just need to make sure I eat so my tummy stays some what full. I really try and eat but I can only eat half my meals because I get so full quickly. I lost 4 pounds last month but that was due to not being able to eat! I gained 1 of those pounds back! I swear I have a little belly bump/pudge and its been a little more present this week at my 12 week mark. Our next appointment is on the 10th on Clark's birthday and hopefully we will be able to hear their heartbeats! My due date was May 19th but then it was moved to May 14th. Most likely I will deliver end of April. Hopefully later than sooner!

When we got back from Chicago we had a package from our friends Kate and Lehi in Singapore! Look how cute this twin gift is! They know us so well! THANK YOU!!

(For those of you who didn't know, we are in the McDonalds business)

Clark's 10 yr HS Reunion

This past week we headed to Chicago for Clark's 10 yr HS reunion. Out of 700 students, 200 went. I only knew one person there but Clark seemed to enjoy his time so I just smiled. Looks like he'll have fun at mine in 5 years! This is the only picture we took that night. We had the reunion at Heritage Farms...I think.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

We're Doubling!

I can't even tell you how excited I am that we are expanding our family! Clark and I have been trying for over a year to have kids and the time finally came for us. I haven't talked about this to most people but last year we had a miscarriage around 7.5 weeks but I didn't find out until 11 weeks because I never passed anything. I had surgery to get everything removed and ever since my hormones have been out of whack! I have truly learned patience this year and having to rely on the Lord to soften my heart and just wait for our time.

I found out at 4 weeks that I was pregnant and when Clark and I saw the positive we were SO happy. I just cried and cried of joy. I was surprised we found out so early! I was just hoping that I would be able to keep this baby! I had my first ultrasound appointment at 6 weeks. Clark couldn't go with me because he had a McDonald's class he had to go to. While in the room I was looking on the screen and I swear I saw two sacs but I wasn't sure. I have read and looked at so many pregnancy things that I thought I knew what I saw. My doctor showed me the first heart beat and then he said "and here is the other!" WHAT! We were having TWINS!  I was stunned but not too surprised or scared because I have secretly always wanted twins! I left the appointment and went to purchase two white onsies to surprise Clark and the family. Clark over the recent weeks had told me he just knew we were having twins. So when he called and asked how my appointment went I just said no twins and said I'll see him when he got home. Clark and his family opened the gift with the two onsies and everyone about fell over! It was GREAT! My mom didn't even believe that we were expecting two!

I was pretty nauseous week 7 & 8 but I have felt better since and have been able to eat frequently and keep things down! I have been pretty lucky! Hopefully it stays that way! I've had 3 ultrasound appointments since...one at 6, 8, and 10 weeks. Our next appointment at 13 weeks is on Clark's birthday Nov. 10th so hopefully we can hear the heartbeats then. Today the little twins were moving and kicking and waving! It was way cute! The twins will be fraternal and we are hoping for one boy and girl but we will be happy with what ever we get!

I hope everything will go fine! We will find out beginning of December what the sexes are. Please keep us in your prayers :) WE ARE SO HAPPY AND GRATEFUL!!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Birthday Fun!

This weekend Kirk came to visit! It was also his 20th birthday so we went out to eat and then went bowling! Kirk beat all of us of course!

Vicki in her new outfit! She was pretty cute!

Mike and Kristin are here to stay!

Clark and Kirk!


We came home from church on Sunday to find all these coconuts on the ground. We chopped them open to partake of the yummy milk...well I didn't think it was that good...oh well.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Del Ray and Deerfield Beach

This past weekend the Gray and Dyer family headed to Del Ray Beach for dinner. Later we took a walk to the beach! There were beach lounge chairs to sit on and the breeze was amazing. Vicki helped her nieces find some seashells on the beach and I of course pulled out my camera!


Layla, Melanie and Chad!

The next day we headed to Deerfield beach to catch some rays and play in the ocean. I had never been to that beach before but I loved it! We spent time collecting shells with our cousins and Clark and his uncle went snorkeling.

Me and Clark!

Cute Layla!

Hannah and her shells.

Earlier that day Vicki and I went to a Relief Society activity for our church. We helped make 500 hygiene kits for an abused women's shelter.

Vicki and Sister Lake

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I spent some time in my hometown of Roswell, Ga last week and hung out with my besties for a night! I love that they all still live in Roswell...well minus me!

We went to dinner at Provinos and caught up on some good ole' times. I hadn't seen my friend Jessica since my wedding 4 years ago! She still looks the same and is beautiful!

The last time I saw Lizanne was 2 years ago when Clark and I were in Paris for a month and she was living in Spain for school. She flew to Paris to see us and we had such a great time!

It has been over a year since I have seen Maggie! I saw her last when I was back in Roswell some time ago...I can't even remember!

All in all we had a great time and I hope to see them sooner than later!

Maggie, Lizanne, Me and Jessica

Seriously girls my battery is running out!

Maggie and her famous tongue pose. Lizanne looks a little weirded out.

Okay almost...seriously if I don't get a good picture I'll be super mad guys.

Yay! I love you girls!