Tuesday, January 25, 2011

24 weeks

Today we had our 24 week appointment with our perinatologist. The ultrasound tech did an extensive checkup on the babies genitals this time. Everything looked great! We were able to hear the heartbeats and see them move all over the screen for a good hour. I found out the boy is the one who has been kicking me in my upper stomach these past few weeks. He was head down and our baby girl was head up. It was cute because when the tech did some 3D pictures, the girl's butt was smashed up against her baby brother's head. Measurement wise, they both are about a half an inch bigger than a dollar bill. Baby Boy weighs 1 lb 8 oz and Baby Girl weighs 1 lb 3 oz. They were both pretty calm during the appointment and the girl was a little camera shy at first. Once we left they started kicking me again!

The top picture is of Baby Boy. He wasn't really cooperating with us but we managed to get a view of his squished face.

Baby Girl finally turned so we got a better picture of her this time! Yup, she has my nose!

I kind of dread taking pictures now because I know I am getting bigger everywhere. I've apparently gained 20 lbs so far in this pregnancy. I feel great other than getting up every night to go to the bathroom and not being able to get back to sleep that easy. Hence the bags under the eyes. I've also been feeling a little more pressure/soreness in my lower half but something has to support these babies! Oh and food wise...haha don't ask how many slices of pizza I had last night... :)

We are still so excited to meet our babies! If I make it to 37 weeks, then I only have 13 more weeks left! This pregnancy has sure gone by fast!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chop Chop

So my hair is getting to the point where its just BLAH. The split ends are annoying and drying my hair takes way too long. I'm not going for a mom cut just yet but I have scheduled to get my hair cut this Wednesday like this...I think. I'm not going this short but it will be about 3-4 below my shoulders.

I'm a little nervous about swelling and so forth in the face during this pregnancy and with this hair cut I could look a little too round...Oh well, it is what it is!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Orlando Temple

Last Friday the Gray family had the opportunity to visit the Orlando Temple and participate in a session. It was our church's Stake Temple Day and I am glad that we lived some what close (3 hours) to attend! In the next year we will be having a LDS Temple built in Fort Lauderdale! That will only be 25 mins away! I feel so blessed to be apart of this church and know that I will live with my family for all eternity.

The babies first time at the temple ;)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

An adoption story

Having been adopted myself, I wanted to share an email I received from a friend of ours who has a family member trying to adopt through the LDS Adoption Services. Please visit their site and read about their life together and their hopes to adopt one of God's children.

Feel free to post this on your blog as word of mouth is always best! Thank you!

Friday, January 7, 2011

21 weeks

I am over half way there! Every week that goes by I get more excited! I just never thought I would get here and I have. My stomach is growing and growing and I can feel little baby flutters now. I know they will be more present in the next weeks so I look forward to that! My convenient store next to my bed has some what not been open for a while, its more of a water fountain right now. I love not having to get up and eat something in the middle of the night!

Other then trying to find out what crib bedding I want for the kiddos nothing much has happened. I found a really cute bedding set at Pottery Barn Kids that I want to get for our girl and then a fun boy design on Carousel Designs. I am going for a bird, owl, forest  theme... what do you think?

So we'll see what I end up doing!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Craft Night

Last night we had a few girls come over to have a craft night! We all brought things we wanted to work on that have been on our mind for some time! This is what I made:

Pom Pom Bib Necklace

It was so easy, a little time consuming but worth it! The tutorial I got here

did 5 pom poms but I just did 3 because I was tired and I was glad I only did 3.

Some of the other ladies were making block letters and creating these:

Can't wait until we have another craft night!