Tuesday, February 22, 2011

28 weeks

Today I had an appointment with my perinatologist to check up on the babies! I love these appointments because I get to see them squiggle all over the screen! We looked at the kidneys, hearts, bladder, flow of blood in the cord, placenta, amniotic fluid, arms, legs and much more! This time our baby boy was head down and facing straight up. We were able to get one okay picture of him (kind of reminds me of his dad who hates taking pictures). The baby girl was breech and we got tons of great pictures of her! These babies have really grown over the last 4 weeks. They have more fat on their bodies and the pictures really show it! Baby Girl weighs 2 lbs 1 oz and Baby Boy weighs 2 lbs 7 oz. Everything is looking good and I have had no contractions except for the Braxton Hicks. After the appointment my stomach was strapped to the heart rate monitors for 40 mins so they could monitor the babies hearts and check for any contractions. My doctor said everything looked perfect but he wants to see me every week now to check the heart rates, contractions, and the babies weights.

This was me minus the HUGE machine and hospital bed.

Here are some pictures!

Baby Girl is on the left and Baby Boy is on the right!

These three pictures are of the Baby Girl. She sure has fattened up! I love her already!

I feel so blessed to have made it this far without any complications. I hope this continues. I also feel so blessed for being given two children. I know it will be tough and it will get overwhelming but this is what I wanted! I prayed so hard to get pregnant after our miscarriage in July of 2009. I know the Lord hears our prayers and gives us what we can handle at the exact moment that He feels is right for us.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

27 weeks

I thought it was time to do another prego photo since I was already dolled up for the day. I am 27 weeks and I only have 10 more weeks to go! If I make it to my 37 week due date these babies will hatch the day before Easter. These last few weeks haven't been too bad. It just started to get a little more uncomfortable sleeping and flopping this belly from side to side at night isn't getting any easier! Today was the first day I felt the babies really move themselves from the positions they were in. I have felt them move and kick before but today it was a full on MOVE. When people ask how I have been doing I say just fine because I really have been. I've been super blessed through this pregnancy with not having any complications. I hope it continues to stay this way! I've managed to only gain 23 lbs so far and I hope to keep the weight gain pretty steady. I go to my perinatologist next week and they will start to monitor contractions and all that fun stuff. I started this past week to really have the braxton hicks and it is NOT fun.

Clark and I have yet to agree on two names and that is fine. As long as we can before I have the babies. We start our labor and delivery class this week and take our hospital tour on the 25th. I am pretty excited about that! My sweet sister in law Kristin is throwing  my baby shower in a few weeks and I am super excited! She has tons of cute ideas! It feels weird that now it will be my turn to have one! Crazy!

I was reading a friend's blog and she is 33 weeks along. At the end of her post she asked some questions that I would love to post here...so I am going to! Feel free to answer them because every opinion and experience is valuable!

What should I be expecting during Labor??

Any books I need to be reading before they come??

What should I register for??

Whats your opinion on where your baby sleeps??
Anything you wish you knew with your first baby/labor/nursery etc.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Everyone is doing it

Recently I've seen a few friends post the horrible weather on their blog. Thought I would join the crowd...but don't be jealous :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cute Layla

I found this cute video of Layla on my phone. Melanie and Layla went to Utah for 3 weeks but they get back tonight! I hear Layla is learning to really WALK and she is talking up a storm! Here is a video of her a few weeks back playing with one of her favorite toys!