Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I am a new proud owner of a jogging stroller and I LOVE it. It makes me want to work out and get back in shape.

I LOVE the 80 degree blue sky breezy weather we had today.

I LOVE Florida.

I LOVE that my kids fall asleep in their stroller while I get to work out and have a moment to myself.

What do you love?

Saturday, November 26, 2011

7 months old

What a joy it is to be a mom to these babies. They are growing up so fast and I can't believe they are 7 months old. They are becoming more alert and their personalities are really showing through. Brooklyn knows what she wants and usually gets it and Beckham is just a sweet little hunk of baby. Because the babies are able to do more like sitting up and going a little longer between feedings, I am able to get a little bit more done around the house as well as play with them and feel like I am actually being a mom! They love going on walks outside. The best part about their age right now is they notice one another. They have for the past few months but they 'talk' to each other now. It is fun to watch. We do not see the pediatrician again until they are around 8 months so I don't have any stats.

squeels more
rolled onto her stomach for the first time
she is starting to teeth
sits up by herself for a little bit longer
likes to gnaw on books
likes to be rocked to sleep
hates napping
enjoys splashing in the tub
likes to take the spoon and try to feed herself
loves watching the show Bubble Guppies


got his first tooth (bottom left)
drools like crazy
has started to sleep on his side/stomach and it looks very uncomfortable
sits up by himself a little bit longer
still learning how to hold on to things
likes to look at books
enjoys splashing in the bathtub
likes to take his naps
rolled onto his stomach for the first time
loves watching the show Bubble Guppies

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We had a great Thanksgiving this year in the Gray household. We played it some what low key this year as Clark's sister Kristin is having her baby ANY day now! It was also Layla's birthday that day! She enjoyed her cake and opening all her fun presents. We love you Layla! We love being near family for the holidays!

Monday, November 21, 2011

2 in 1 Day

What a great day of firsts happening over here!

Brooklyn wanted to take matters into her own hands (literally) and took her spoon from my hand. She even brought it to her mouth. What a smart girl!

Beckham decided he wanted to roll over onto his stomach today! He did it twice!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Outside Fun

Today we got out of the house and enjoyed some fresh 80 degree November weather! The kiddos sat on their blankets and played with their toys while mom tried to 'relax" get some pictures.

We don't get out that often unless its to the store after both babies have napped and eatin. It was a nice change of pace :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Their First

Grass Experience

Today we ventured out to the yard to take advantage of the beautiful weather. I took my camera and hoped the babies would find the grass somewhat intriguing.

They didn't really know what to think. At least they didn't cry :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Clark's 30th Birthday


I started singing him Happy Birthday this morning while I gave him his gifts. I then proceeded to say what I would have written on his birthday card (he doesn't like getting cards, they are a waste of money he says!) and he stops me and says no start over. He kept on doing it like 3 times until he finally said...'don't say happy 30th, I don't like that!'

Oh geez, I wonder what he'll say when he turns 40!

We all love Clark. He is such a blessing to our family. He is very smart and like his mom always says: 'you always want Clark on your team.' That is very true! He is a loving father to his kids and they always smile at

I remember having our first date in October 2005 and he was turning 24 that next month. I filled his car with balloons on the morning of his birthday and brought him a cake too. I snuck into his apartment and there he walks out of his apartment room in his undies not knowing who just walked into his place..haha it was kinda awkward and I felt so sorry for my roommate who was accompanying me! What great times!

We look forward to spending many more birthdayws with you. I love you Clarkie and I hope you have a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY this year! MKK!

Shabby Apple Dress Sale

I LOVE sales especially when its from a great company! Is there a Christmas party or wedding coming up and you need a dress or better yet, bridesmaids dresses!?

This month, Shabby Apple is sporting TONS of sales and there is one every day starting the 12th of November! Each day will sport a NEW sale so if you like something that day, get it because the sale will be different the following day!

Right now Shabby Apple is offering 15% off all Black Dresses with code BLACKOUT.

This code goes until Nov. 23!

Head on over to my Styled by Night Blog at http://www.styledbynight.blogspot.com/ and click the Shabby Apple Button on the right side bar!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I have the Instagram picture app on my phone and I love it! Because we sit at home ALOT I have to keep myself somewhat sane ;)

I love how they are growing! I know most parents wouldn't say this (and I am sure I will take it back when it happens) but I can't wait for them to be a little more mobile!

Do you have this app?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Growing and Growing

Just a few things going on around here:

Beckham has been teething for awhile now and a few days ago we saw his bottom left tooth popping through! He hasn't been a bad teether at all! He will whine if he needs some comfort on his gums and baby oragel does the trick. Thank goodness!

Brooklyn is practicing sitting up and she is doing really well! She still topples over after a few minutes unassisted but she will get it soon! Look at that hair growing in! I love it!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Happy Halloween

The babies were cute little pumpkins for Halloween this year. I only managed to snap a picture of them in their costumes while we were at the church Trunk or Treat. On the day of Halloween we had a few trick or treaters. Seems as if the kids will have more fun next year when they can actually walk!