Tuesday, April 10, 2012

11 months

These kids are growing so fast, I can't even keep up! They are professional sprint crawlers by the way. It is very cute to see them play so much together and know that the other is just around the corner. Their first year is almost over and it really has gone by. We enjoy spending time as a family and playing with the kids. Church is getting a little hard since they crawl. I'm glad I am in the primary presidency so I can just let them crawl in the back. Brooklyn has been getting so noisy lately. All she wants to do is scrunch her nose and be heard. Trust me, I hear you Brooklyn! Beckham is still sweet as ever and loves to play with you in his room. He loves rolling around on the floor and copying what you do. We are trying to some what ween Brooklyn from the paci by only allowing her to have it at night. I think she understands because when I go to get her from her crib she literally gives me her paci. Smart girl! They both love bath time and playing with their bath toys. This age is so much fun because we feel like we can go more places and do more things with them. Just one more month and you guys will be one year old!! Whoa!


Getting fourth tooth
Learned to throw his head back when sad
Likes cheerios
Celebrated first Easter
Self feeding real well
Loves to cuddle and hug mom and dad
Loves the wind
Has 8 teeth
Ate first french fry


Spending time with Grandpa Nelson 


Blows kisses
Plays peek a boo ( puts her hands on her head)
Says 'thank you'
Said 'Beckham'
Wears 12-18 month clothes
Celebrated first Easter
Started to point to things
Top 2 teeth coming in
Ate first French fry

Playing with cousin Layla

Sunday, April 8, 2012


We had a wonderful Easter this year!  It was a great day to reflect on the Savior's resurrection. Grandpa Nelson was able to spend the weekend with us as well and we had a lot of fun! We headed to church in the morning and then ate lunch over at Grandma and Grandpa Grays. The kids went on an Easter egg hunt with the rest of their cousins in the grandparent's yard. Beckham and Brooklyn weren't quite sure what was going on but they enjoyed picking up the eggs and putting them in their mouth. The Easter bunny sure left some fun treats this year! You both got a shirt, bath toys, bunnies, and toys!