Friday, June 29, 2012

1st Beach Trip

We FINALLY headed to the only took us errr 14 months! Clark was sick so it was just me but Clark's family was there so it helped ALOT! 

Beckham and Brooklyn loved the sand oh and eating it...

We did venture down to the ocean and Beckham LOVED it. If I would have let him go he would have charged that thing. Brooklyn on the other hand was a little more hesitant about the water but none the less amused her mom and stuck her feet in for a bit. We will take some ocean pictures next time when we have more hands to help!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Flamingo Gardens

We headed to Flamingo Gardens yesterday with some extended family of Clark. It is the oldest Botanical Gardens in South Florida. It has over 3000 tropical plants and trees. 
It was hot but that didn't stop us from having some fun and exploring around the park.

They did enjoy it...

Clark's brother Kirk and his cousins.

Vicki and Brooklyn

My favorite part was seeing the peacocks!

They do NOT look nice.


Bye Beckham!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

13 and 14 months

Your little personalities are growing so much! You both show a lot of affection towards one another and love playing together. You both love walking everywhere and trying to get into everything you can! Brooklyn loves the stairs and Beckham loves cabinets and opening doors. Yikes!
You had your first beach experience and Beckham loved the water and waves and Brooklyn just liked the sand. We can't wait until we go again!


Says ball, apple, cheerio, bye, mama, dada, no
Gives Beckham hugs all the time
Discovered hitting
4th and 5th tooth finally popped out
Plays catch and throw
Loves riding her toy horse
Climbs up the playground
Climbing stairs
Loves doing the motions to 'itsy bitsy spider'
Eats avocado
Discovered throwing things out of her crib
Had their first beach trip!


Walking so good!!!
Loves rolling around on the ground playing with any toys he can put between his legs
Will eat cheese, turkey, apples, peaches, cucumbers, avocado
Likes to take toys from Brooklyn
Plays catch and throw
Discovered throwing things out of his crib
Has a new sad/upset yell
Knows how to work the tv box
Climbing stairs
Knows how to open doors (totally not cool!!)
Got first haircut by daddy
Had their first beach trip!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

For Sale: Styled Simplicity

I'd like to welcome you and ALL your friends to my new Etsy shop

Here you can buy some cute and fun hair clips/bands and accessories for yourself...I mean lets be honest, don't YOU deserve a little somethin somethin?

I've enjoyed making these headpieces for my daughter and a few friends and finally decided why not expand my market. I'd love for you to stop by :) Click HERE!

If you have your own Etsy shop I'd love to know so I can add you to my favs and circle! Leave your Etsy web address below in the comment section!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Beckham's First Haircut

It was about time for Beckham to get his haircut because he was about to sport a nice mullet right down his neck. Clark did the honors and he did a great job!

Beckham sat still the ENTIRE time. Of course we had his favorite show on the ipad for him to watch.


Monday, June 18, 2012

What would you do...

I've been bouncing this idea back and forth for awhile about selling some hairpieces. I know there is a lot of competition out there but I'm interested to know if this is something you'd buy? Is it even worth my time? How much would people even pay for them?

If you would (humor me!!) let me know what you think!?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Brooklyn's First Pony

Ponytail that is! Isn't she just adorable?!

She has quite a lot of hair at the bottom so I am going to attempt some pigtails soon!

Love her so much!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Our Life

Some days are tiring...they don't want to take naps, they don't want to eat what I prepare, they whine, they are teething, they want dada...

but all those times are worth it to see my kids in a happy mood, loving each other and mommy and daddy. I just love being a mom and seeing them grow up and experience new things. Walking is there new thing and it AWESOME! They are growing up so fast but its SO FUN! I love having a boy and a girl. Its so much more fun that way!

The best part is they will be best friends...forever :)