Friday, August 31, 2012

Ikea Toys

Okay, moms I need to know where you get your fun but affordable toys! I was at Ikea today and bought this train set for our kids and they really like it! They are obviously still in #figureitoutmode. I feel kids need new toys every once in awhile to change the pace of things so they don't get whiny and bored. Maybe that just happens to my kids???

Any helpful comments are appreciated :) Happy weekend!

Monday, August 27, 2012

McDonald's Re-Grand Opening

This past weekend, we had the opportunity to take part of the Re-Grand Opening of one of our McDonald stores. The store got a totally renovation inside and out and even sported a double drive-thru. There was face painting, a balloon maker, a pony, and even Ronald McDonald himself!

The twins enjoyed Ronald and his little magic tricks as well as the pony that was there.

We have two more McDonald renovations in the near future so we are excited to see what they will look like when they are complete.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Blogging Beckham style

The kids always want to sit with me when I am on the computer trying to get some things done. Maybe next time they will think twice...I think he is bored...haha

Monday, August 20, 2012

ETSY SALE-School is back in session

Hi everyone! I am so happy school is back in session! I don't have kids in school yet but it means life is slowing down again and there aren't so many people everywhere I feel like I want to be! haha

So to celebrate, I am offering FREE SHIPPING in my Etsy shop TODAY only! Use code BACKTOSCHOOL at checkout!

Check out my Etsy shop link to the right and it will lead you right there! Happy Shopping and hopefully teachers won't be mean today and give out homework!

Enter HERE!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

6yr Anniversary




I still can't wrap my mind around being married for 6 years. Time sure does fly when you are moving 4 times, buy 2 houses, live in 2 different countries, and have 2 kids! Clark and I headed out for a dinner date at Carrabba's tonight kid less. It was really nice to have an adult conversation and not worry about when your kid was going to throw a fit. I'm so happy I made the decision 6 years ago to start a family with this man. He loves me no matter what! I love you Clark!