Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mothers Day Etsy Special

Now until May 12th, you can receive 15% off in my etsy shop when you use code MOTHERS at checkout! I can even ship it to a different address if its a gift!

I have some newer items listed! Hope you'll stop by!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Twins 2nd Birthday

The time has come and the twins are TWO! WOW, time sure did go by fast. It seems like yesterday they were born! I love this age though and can't wait to see what else they learn! They are so smart and surprising us each day with what they do!

We started the day off with a little party with the family at Monkey Joe's. Its a fun inflatable play place for kids and little toddlers. 

After Monkey Joe's we ate at the kid friendly MCDONALDS! Gotta love free food and happy meals! :) It was nice to have my parents there along with Clark's parent's and sister!

Later that night we had all the family over for some cake and ice cream! Gotta love FREE cake too! haha

The kids were a little more into the cake and singing this year compared to last year.

A nice family picture before the kids opened some presents! They were spoiled by everyone this year!

I think by the end of the day they were so tired from all the fun! Can't wait until next year!

24 months

learning to speak with the help of speech therapy
loves the pool and his new floaties
eats  ice cream
still a picky eater
loves to play with balls and cars
enjoys the park and outdoors
loves ring around the rosie
loves to clap and spin
can fold arms for prayers
can say  bubble, dada, momma, three
can sign more and all done
loves dogs
helps put his pants and shoes on
loves to read books on your lap
points to what he wants

25 lbs
says too many words to list!
enjoys reading books and drawing
can sing words to tv shows...
loves to swim with her floaties
loves being outside
loves to dance
can count up to 6
knows about 75% of the alphabet
learned how to jump
loves anything sweet
gives tons of kisses
loves puzzles and books that make sounds
understands going to the bathroom...hopefully this will make potty training easier
signs more and all done
loves to sing and dance
afraid of loud noises

Beckham and Brooklyn are such a joy to be around. They are learning so many new things each day. They have such sweets spirits and are over all really good kids. Two years has really gone by fast for us and its kind of sad to know that they will just continue to grow and not be our little babies anymore. You both are walking and talking and exploring everything you can get your hands on. You both love each other and love being around all your extended family. We love your laughs, hugs, smiles, and even your fake whines (sometimes haha). We hope you will continue to grow up loving to be around one another and playing with each other! You both are the best of friends!

Monday, April 15, 2013

18 weeks

Today I hit 18 weeks. Time is starting to go by just a little bit more fast but I am okay for it to slow down. I'm not sure if I can handle 3!!! Nothing much has changed in the last few weeks except my belly has been growing a little more and I have finally been able to feel little flutters (started around 16 weeks). I love when that starts to happen because then I feel just a little bit more connected to this little girl.

I have a few names I like but Clark seems to shoot them down. Hey, if he can't come up with any names, then I will end up naming this baby and that's fine with me! I don't even feel that big but the pants are sure getting tighter and I feel like I waddle a bit. Clark asked me the other day when we get to pull out the body pillow! HAHA. He used that bad boy right after I gave birth because he loved it.

In just a few weeks we will head to the perinatologist (who I was all to familiar with last pregnancy) and get my 20 week check up!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Peek A Boo

Today was a great day! Beckham learned how to do peek a boo and say 'boo'. He has been a little slower to speak and do things than Brooklyn so this HUGE! Good job buddy!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Family of Five!

Call us crazy but we are expecting another bundle of joy in September

We did not want our kids to be far apart in age so here we go again! I have been so lazy this pregnancy with taking pictures and blogging so this is the first one I have taken. Here I am at 16 weeks!



This pregnancy has been so different from last time. I started getting really sick around week 5 and I was literally laying on the couch  for 2 weeks. I have never felt so sick!

Here is my first ultrasound confirming my pregnancy. I was 7 weeks! It is so crazy how small it starts out! I was SO nervous because I did NOT want to have twins again! Clark and I sighed in relief when we saw just one.

The nauseousness didn't really let up until week 12. That's when my appetite came back. Thank goodness for that! I was tired of eating small meals every 2 hours.

Here's the baby at 11 weeks. I love that I can see the front of the face here and the arms!

15 week ultrasound
You can see the little legs and feet and some hand action. The baby waved hello to us at this appointment.

I got an appointment for when I was 15 weeks at a 3D place to see if we could find out the gender earlier. I was too excited to wait until my 20 week appointment.


We are BEYOND excited and I can't wait to dress up another little girl in cute outfits and hair bows!!! EEK!!