Thursday, August 29, 2013

and her name is...

I had a doctors appointment this week and we decided that because I was progressing and already dilated to a 2 that Sept. 7th would be my induction date. Yay! So we have one more week unless she decides to debut herself a little earlier. She is still super low and she is causing me to have tons of Braxton Hicks and a few short painful contractions. They don't last for long but I am not looking forward to labor...

I was able to get a pretty good ultrasound picture this week of her. She was moving a lot but we managed to get a quick picture of her profile. 

I don't think I have posted yet what we are naming her but if you don't already know we have decided to name her Kennedy. Clark and I can both agree on the name and I think it flows really well with Beckham and Brooklyn. Hopefully she comes out looking like a Kennedy or we might just have a problem! :)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Regency Grand Re-Opening

Today was quite an eventful day! We headed over to one of our newly remodeled McDonald's. It has been down for a few months due to a fire. 

Ronald McDonald graced us with his presence and Beckham LOVED him! 

This boy would just laugh and follow Ronald around. Brooklyn on the other hand wasn't quite sure what to think of him. Maybe next time...

Thursday, August 22, 2013

37 weeks

The end is finally near! Only a few more weeks and we get to meet this baby girl! We aren't sure when this baby will make her debut because with the twins my water broke at exactly 37 weeks. This pregnancy has been pretty much the same as my last except I am not as big and I am a little more tired from chasing my kids!

This baby is head down and my OB said he would be surprised if I had to push more than twice! I HOPE he is right!!! She is such a little mover and she loves to stick her feet out...ouch. 

The twins know there is a baby in my stomach but I am not sure the extent of how much they know. Im hoping jealousy won't be an issue!

Clark and I are super excited to meet her and become a family of 5!