Thursday, September 18, 2014

Last weeks of Summer

We have really enjoyed the summer around here. Yes, it has been really hot but its nothing we can't handle. In Florida it was hot ALL THE TIME. WE had fun one day when my parents were in town and we went to the local splash pad. There was water shooting from the ground and water activites for the kids to play with.

Days that are really hot, we would go outside and pull out the awesome water table or play in the sprinklers. We love having family across the street because the kids all play together daily.

My parents came to town for Labor Day and my dad had made some bug nets so the twins could help him catch bugs when they would go exploring. I am so happy they have a grandpa that will go on hikes with them and get muddy and sweaty with them when mom doesn't want to!

When we aren't outside, we are inside playing with toys or doing some fun coloring or painting.

Lets hope that cooler days are ahead of us!

Brooklyn Starts Preschool

This August Brooklyn started preschool! She loves it (and so do I)! Beckham started in the summer to help him with his speech and OT and Brooklyn has been waiting ever since to be able to go to! She is in a different class than Beckham and loves her teacher Ms. Jennifer. I hear Brooklyn say that she likes being the helper. I am glad she loves to learn. She is a bright girl and will be so smart as she continues to get older. 

Happy 1st Birthday Kennedy!

Happy Birthday Kennedy! You are ONE! You are such a special little lady and this year has been one of the best years of our lives because you have been in it! Thanks for always keeping us on our toes and making us smile each day! You are the smiliest,  happiest, easiest baby. Thank you for blessing our lives and being such a joy! You enjoyed your special day by taking your regular naps and then having some pizza and cupcakes with with family for dinner! You got some cool presents from everyone and had a fun time playing with your cousins.
Here are a few things about you this past month:
-You have mastered walking
-Loves to cuddle and lay on you
-Loves to read books
-Loves to clap
-Likes to climb stairs
-Likes to sing and do hand movements to songs
-Eats anything on your plate
-Doesn't like to be out of mommies sight
-Enjoys sweets
-Likes to lay on pillows and cuddle with blankets

Kennedy at 11 months

Happy 11 months baby girl! I can't believe you will be one next month. This year has flown by and you have accomplished and learned so many things. I love that you are always so smiley and happy! You bring smiles to everyone. Also, I love that you have hair and that its getting longer by the day. You went from having orange hair when you were born to a light auburn.  Here are some things you have done this month:
-21 lbs
-Have 5 teeth
-Started taking steps
-Can say 'all done'
-Loves to eat yogurt, rice, carrots, bread, and BBQ chicken
-Says 'yes'

Kennedy at 10 months

Happy 10 months, Kennedy! You are such a fun girl to be around and you are getting a little too smart for us! You are still taking two good naps during the day and you seriously couldn't be any happier. You love watching your brother and sister running around and it won't be to long until you are walking and running with them!
-Likes avocados, bananas, grapes, turkey, rice, noodles
-Likes to stand on her own
-Loves to climb stairs
-Has fourth teeth
- Waved for the first time
-Said 'hi'