Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fall trip to Douglas, Ga

Every once in awhile we try and make a trip to South Georgia! My parents live there and it's always nice to go visit them and see my relatives who live there too.

My dad made the kids a tire swing which was so sweet! I remember he made one for me and my brother when we were growing up. I love that my dad does such caring things for his family.

We also enjoyed an afternoon at a corn maze and took a hayride! It was really hot but we had a great time! 

Later that week we went to visit a farm and the kids enjoyed feeding the horses, pigs, goats, and ducks!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Walden Farms

We had a blast at Walden Farms today! It's so nice to be able to go to a real pumpkin patch and feel the cool crisp air! We didn't get to enjoy those luxuries in Florida. Walden Farms was such a neat experience for our family. We picked pumpkins and looked at all the farm animals they had.

There was a little playground for the kids to run around in as well as a straw maze!

The kids were also featured in the local paper! We will definitely be back next year!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Fairy Pirate Party

The twins went to their first real birthday party! It was thrown by my friend Kira and the theme was Pirate Fairies! The twins dressed up in their costumes and mom dropped them off! It was nice being able to see them enjoy themselves with their friends! And a nice break for mom too!