I can't even believe that the twins are 4 months today! They are getting so big and this age is getting so much fun! They love attention and we sure give it to them :) I still sometimes can't believe that our babies are here. It seems like yesterday that they were in my tummy. They do things every day that make us smile. We LOVE them!
jabbers all the time
good at tummy time and is done with it after 5 mins
kicks her legs a hundred miles an hour while sitting in her bouncer
falls asleep quicker if sucking on her paci
likes to go for walks in the stroller
loves to be held and becomes upset if the is wide awake and you are not around
grabs her paci and blankets
loves watching tv
has really strong legs and likes to stand
Brooklyn's 4 month stats:
12.06 lbs
23.75 inches long
25% in weight and 25% in height
loves to hold your finger when he eats
turns his head side to side every second of the day
loves to look around
cries if u take his milk away from him when u need to burp him
likes his lamb swing when he falls asleep
likes to go for walks in the stroller
smiles a whole lot when getting his diaper changed
found his tongue
sucks on his hands
crosses his ankles
starting to babble because he found his voice
holds on to toys for a short amount of time
loves watching tv
Beckham's 4 month stats:
18.05 lbs
25.5 inches long
95% in weight and 75% in height