Sunday, March 8, 2009

Down Under Part 3.

For one of the days in Perth we decided we would have to hit up a well known beach (well only Aussie's know it I guess). We hopped onto the train and headed towards Cottesloe Beach for a few hours. All I can say was it was WINDY! We even decided to lay out on the grassy area because we didn't want the sand to blow up on us. I tried to go walk a bit on the beach to take pictures but only lasted like 2 minutes because the sand was stinging my legs. We didn't even dip our feet in the ocean because 1. it was COLD and 2. we didn't feel like seeing any sharks. We were also beached and watered out because of our diving adventure the day or so before.

We also saw some local tropical birds hanging out in the trees. To me they look like parrots but they obviously aren't. I even got a peep show of some boobies on the beach...I just don't understand how people can be so "free"...yeah I made sure Clark looked the other way :) Yeah no pictures were takin of that...

After enjoying some ice cream we traveled back to the city to walk around and find something to do. Nothing was open (and yes it was only 5pm) so I forced Clark to take some pictures. Yeah we were acting pretty ridiculous but we had some good times...until Clark made me mad ;)

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